Thursday, May 8, 2008

...some things on my mind..

Fluride in our water and some other places 2=WTF= WhatTheFuck.
So finally i got to whole foods today to buy some toothpaste that was fluoride free...
I mean seriously this was a task, mega task even...if you go to a regular grocery store and try to get some fluoride free toothpaste u will NOT luck up!...every box in that piece(wal-green,wal-mart,riteaid, safeway..etc) has fluoride anti-cavity labels along with warning do not swallow labels....
whats the deal u wonder? well fluoride will basically make u a sheep of the elite and keep u in-line, un-informed, and well trained to fear your environment and NOT cause a ruckus...that means no Wu--tangin it jumpin out with mad different styles and influential ideas  startin revolutions n junk...there baiscally wont be any of that goin down when ur under the spell of fluoride
This is what is wanted by the elite cause the longer they can control  the more money/power is in their hands ...the longer they can rule/ruin the earth with their tangenting right now. tangent=ranting along.

I mean do some of your own research with this one...main stream media as usual, is very late with coming out with this information its sooooo freaking hard to even find non-fluoride toothpaste in the first warned..and be your own scientist always......this does not mean go and join scientology, it means do ur own research dont just take peoples word for somthing to be truth. Know ur own truth.

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