Thursday, May 15, 2008


DALLAS - "In what sounds like a really low-budget horror film, voracious swarming ants that apparently arrived in Texas aboard a cargo ship are invading homes and yards across the Houston area, shorting out electrical boxes and messing up computers."
LINDA STEWART BALL, Associated Press Writer
Wed May 14, 3:16 PM ET

 This basically means Strawberry Ants are helping us get out of the technological dependency and breakdown of consciousness by infiltering & destroying your computers...electrical boxes..and other electrical appliances...they are basically helping to show us that.."in your interaction with technology you are activating and identifying something inside yourself, yet you appear to be almost totally unconscious about what your doing...

EX: Television teaches you that everything you see is actually perceptual because you know you are looking at a screen that makes images out of dots and not at a tree or live person...So what is that image? It is a trans-mitted idea..and that is all anything is!

EX:2: the microwave teaches us that everything is vibration, everything is made out of waveforms...we SHOULD NOT use microwaves for cooking our food...The process that microwaves use kills are food..and makes something that was perhaps good for us..Bad for us.....Plus they hella nuke U; in their process of nuking ur food......let them go and cook with the elements....

i know..i know ur thinking...but who hates the microwave? i mean their so convienent.....) Just pause . breathe . and think about that...Break up with your microwave..*I am breaking up with mine now...but i mean its a slow the past we've snuck out for night caps.....he is a wonderful lover but he's a liar and its OVAaa*

Thursday, May 8, 2008

...some things on my mind..

Fluride in our water and some other places 2=WTF= WhatTheFuck.
So finally i got to whole foods today to buy some toothpaste that was fluoride free...
I mean seriously this was a task, mega task even...if you go to a regular grocery store and try to get some fluoride free toothpaste u will NOT luck up!...every box in that piece(wal-green,wal-mart,riteaid, safeway..etc) has fluoride anti-cavity labels along with warning do not swallow labels....
whats the deal u wonder? well fluoride will basically make u a sheep of the elite and keep u in-line, un-informed, and well trained to fear your environment and NOT cause a ruckus...that means no Wu--tangin it jumpin out with mad different styles and influential ideas  startin revolutions n junk...there baiscally wont be any of that goin down when ur under the spell of fluoride
This is what is wanted by the elite cause the longer they can control  the more money/power is in their hands ...the longer they can rule/ruin the earth with their tangenting right now. tangent=ranting along.

I mean do some of your own research with this one...main stream media as usual, is very late with coming out with this information its sooooo freaking hard to even find non-fluoride toothpaste in the first warned..and be your own scientist always......this does not mean go and join scientology, it means do ur own research dont just take peoples word for somthing to be truth. Know ur own truth.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

the beginning...

So there' pretty much lots i want to share i suppose...but i didnt feel like going into rants and explanations about this and that in the beginning so i kept my thoughts to myself for the most part...then once upon a time i was inspired...:hence here I am with a blogspot...did they think this would happen? who knows but it has...*giggle* hmm a bit about me..well..
Im a Queen who believes in dreams and Kings..but not necessarily Queens being with Kings , Queens could be with Queens as well as Kings....and their are unicorns,micros and macros... ethos and things existing in places not far from here & here at the same time... 

..but humans didnt realise because they were queer, and lived in fear ... that such things couldn't possibly exist here...on earth...where magic gives birth..she breathes the air of Gaia's lair....but they cant hear..blinded by fear they only believe what they see in the 3D so their chi is low cause their vitals dont flow..they didnt know the key was in their blood... 

its not their fault tho, ...most were led astray from the beginning of the age
and were taught falsely on how to be GODS by false Gods
...they were even told that attainment of such was not possible and blasphemous...*this was a lie and still is*Dont believe me be your own scientist and do the alchemy...transmute.
transmute |transˈmyoōt; tranz-|
change in form, nature, or substance : [ trans. ] the raw material of his experience was transmuted into stories | [ intrans. ] the discovery that elements can transmute by radioactivity.
• [ trans. ] subject (base metals) to alchemical transmutation : the quest to transmute lead into gold.
transmutability |-ˌmyoōtəˈbilitē| noun
transmutable adjective
transmutative |-ˈmyoōtətiv| adjective
transmuter noun
ORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin transmutare, from trans- ‘across’ + mutare ‘to change.’

okay okay well now that weve got that creation story out of the way... u can see where im going kind of going...if u know me, if u dont...u probably already  just stopped reading by now cause i was ranting about far off places u really dont believe in which makes u think im crazy...or a witch or loonie..and maybe i am maybe u are...maybe there is a whole in the milky ways opening up 9 dimensions of wonder and delight and shifts in perspective..u dig...get light..aight.... forget milk...that shit is bad for u... why would drink fluids from a animal that has mad stomachs..?...cause u were told by the over sayer..." Got milk?"<- - - - - sidenote. do forgive me tangents happen.

wow..... whats next?

lets talk about