Friday, January 30, 2009


Oscar Ichazo (born 1931) is the Bolivian-born founder of the Arica School which he established in 1968. Ichazo's Enneagram of Personality theories are part of a larger body of teaching that he terms Protoanalysis. In Ichazo's teachings the enneagram figure has usually been called an Enneagon.[citation needed]
Ichazo asserts that, in 1954, he received a clear and direct insight into how certain mechanistic and repetitive thought and behavior patterns can be understood in connection with the Enneagram figure, classical philosophy and with what he calls 'Trialectic' logic, a logic grounded in three laws of process.[1]
According to Ichazo he identified the nine ways in which a person's ego becomes fixated within the psyche at an early stage of life. For each person one of these 'ego fixations' then becomes the core of a self-image around which their psychological personality develops. Each fixation is also supported at the emotional level by a particular 'passion' or 'vice'. The principal psychological connections between the nine ego fixations can be 'mapped' using the points, lines and circle of the enneagram figure.[2]
In Ichazo's teachings his intention is to help people transcend their identification with—and the suffering caused by—their own mechanistic thought and behaviour patterns. His theories about the fixations are founded on the premise that all life seeks to continue and perpetuate itself and that the human psyche must follow the same common laws of reality. Using Trialectic logic Ichazo indicated the three basic human instincts for survival: Conservation (the digestive system); Relation (the circulatory system) and Adaptation (the central nervous system); and two poles of attraction to self-perpetuation: Sexual (the sexual organs) and Spiritual (the spinal column).[citation needed]
Believing the psyche, as a prototypical model, to be in state of essential unity, Ichazo understands the fixations as aberrations from this state. According to Ichazo the primary difference between modern psychology and his theories is that he has proposed a model of the components of the human psyche whilst modern psychology has preferred to focus on observed behavior instead of an essential model from which aberrations develop due to psychological trauma.[citation needed]
Ichazo relates the fixations to the major psychiatric classifications and believes that fixations are the precursor to mental illness.[citation needed] In Ichazo's teachings fixations are diagnosed from the particular experience of psychological trauma children suffer when their expectations are not met in each of the Instincts. As young children are considered to be highly self-centered in their expectations it is believed they will experience disappointment in their expectations due to one of the three fundamental attitudes (attracted, unattracted, disinterested) and that, from this experiences, mechanistic thought and behavior patterns will begin to develop as an attempted protection from experiencing a recurrence of the trauma. By understanding the fixations—and practicing self-observation —suffering and the fixations' hold on the mind can be reduced and even transcended.
Almost all later interpretations of the Enneagram of Personality are viewed by Ichazo as unfounded and, therefore, misguided or psychologically and spiritually harmful. Ichazo also considers that the Enneagram teachings of others, in most cases, actually promote or strengthen the basis of personality disorders.[citation needed]
Although some modern Enneagram of Personality writers have claimed that Ichazo's teaching are derived, in part, from those of Gurdjieff's Fourth Way work,[3] Ichazo has denied this claim in his "Letter to the Transpersonal Community".[4] In 1992 intellectual copyright for the Enneagram of Personality was denied to Ichazo on the basis that factual ideas cannot be copyrighted.[5]

Thursday, January 22, 2009

tonal healing & spiritual activism ∆∆∆

so today in my endless search for spiritfood ive come across some great chants for tonal healing, and 12 principals of spiritual activism..heres what I found.

A tonal healing session accelerates the healing and assist your cells in vibrating to new harmonies of balance.

The 47 Words of God" Chant -
"We are Gods and Creators. We create everything in the Universe for us and it belongs only to us and forever."
"We practice Freedom, Truth, Love, Beauty, Happiness, Advancement and actually becoming God Beings."
"We live together forever for our happiness and advancement. Thank you, God, for everyone, everything and for me."

Here is an example of what tonal healing sounds do and how they would affect the body:

Principles of Spiritual Activism
These were offered not as definitive truths, but rather as key learnings and guidelines that, taken together, comprise a useful framework for "spiritual activism."
1. Transformation of motivation from anger/fear/despair to compassion/love/purpose. This is a vital challenge for today's social change movement. This is not to deny the noble emotion of appropriate anger or outrage in the face of social injustice. Rather, this entails a crucial shift from fighting against evil to working for love, and the long-term results are very different, even if the outer activities appear virtually identical. Action follows Being, as the Sufi saying goes. Thus "a positive future cannot emerge from the mind of anger and despair" (Dalai Lama).

2. Non-attachment to outcome. This is difficult to put into practice, yet to the extent that we are attached to the results of our work, we rise and fall with our successes and failures—a sure path to burnout. Hold a clear intention, and let go of the outcome—recognizing that a larger wisdom is always operating. As Gandhi said, "the victory is in the doing," not the results. Also, remain flexible in the face of changing circumstances: "Planning is invaluable, but plans are useless."(Churchill)

3. Integrity is your protection. If your work has integrity, this will tend to protect you from negative energy and circumstances. You can often sidestep negative energy from others by becoming "transparent" to it, allowing it to pass through you with no adverse effect upon you. This is a consciousness practice that might be called "psychic aikido."

4. Integrity in means and ends. Integrity in means cultivates integrity in the fruit of one's work. A noble goal cannot be achieved utilizing ignoble means.

5. Don't demonize your adversaries. It makes them more defensive and less receptive to your views. People respond to arrogance with their own arrogance, creating rigid polarization. Be a perpetual learner, and constantly challenge your own views.

6. You are unique. Find and fulfill your true calling. "It is better to tread your own path, however humbly, than that of another, however successfully." (Bhagavad Gita)

7. Love thy enemy. Or at least, have compassion for them. This is a vital challenge for our times. This does not mean indulging falsehood or corruption. It means moving from "us/them" thinking to "we" consciousness, from separation to cooperation, recognizing that we human beings are ultimately far more alike than we are different. This is challenging in situations with people whose views are radically opposed to yours. Be hard on the issues, soft on the people.

8. Your work is for the world, not for you. In doing service work, you are working for others. The full harvest of your work may not take place in your lifetime, yet your efforts now are making possible a better life for future generations. Let your fulfillment come in gratitude for being called to do this work, and from doing it with as much compassion, authenticity, fortitude, and forgiveness as you can muster.

9. Selfless service is a myth. In serving others, we serve our true selves. "It is in giving that we receive." We are sustained by those we serve, just as we are blessed when we forgive others. As Gandhi says, the practice of satyagraha ("clinging to truth") confers a "matchless and universal power" upon those who practice it. Service work is enlightened self-interest, because it cultivates an expanded sense of self that includes all others.

10. Do not insulate yourself from the pain of the world. Shielding yourself from heartbreak prevents transformation. Let your heart break open, and learn to move in the world with a broken heart. As Gibran says, "Your pain is the medicine by which the physician within heals thyself." When we open ourselves to the pain of the world, we become the medicine that heals the world. This is what Gandhi understood so deeply in his principles of ahimsa and satyagraha. A broken heart becomes an open heart, and genuine transformation begins.

11. What you attend to, you become. Your essence is pliable, and ultimately you become that which you most deeply focus your attention upon. You reap what you sow, so choose your actions carefully. If you constantly engage in battles, you become embattled yourself. If you constantly give love, you become love itself.

12. Rely on faith, and let go of having to figure it all out. There are larger 'divine' forces at work that we can trust completely without knowing their precise workings or agendas. Faith means trusting the unknown, and offering yourself as a vehicle for the intrinsic benevolence of the cosmos. "The first step to wisdom is silence. The second is listening." If you genuinely ask inwardly and listen for guidance, and then follow it carefully—you are working in accord with these larger forces, and you become the instrument for their music.

13. Love creates the form. Not the other way around. The heart crosses the abyss that the mind creates, and operates at depths unknown to the mind. Don't get trapped by "pessimism concerning human nature that is not balanced by an optimism concerning divine nature, or you will overlook the cure of grace." (Martin Luther King) Let your heart's love infuse your work and you cannot fail, though your dreams may manifest in ways different from what you imagine.

***here is the sight I found them on. ""

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

11:11 DECODED- symbols ∆ll around us

Eleven is the number of new beginnings."

11:11 is a number activation sequence. Each time that you see 11,
111 or 1111 on a clock it represents that you are being given an
opportunity to walk into a Gateway of Manifestation. The universe
has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts, which are then
manifesting physically in record speed. The time period from
November 11, to January 11 is considered to be the HOLY TRINITY
months the 23 faces of Eve and Atom. All in All it is a divine
decree and opportunity issued to all of earth to Wake-up, and become
your true light.

Eleven is also the number of masters. 11:11 is an encoded molecular
structure of Remembrance, activating the Master of Light we have
always been. This is the Biological Ascension, and 11:11 is the
Ascension Doorway. The Light of Ascension comes in many forms and on
many levels. It comes not always in one day, or one moment. For we
Ascend and descend continually word by word, thought by thought.
Ascension is birthed from every breath, every thought, every word,
every day.


"When you ponder injustices, you awaken a cellular vibration and
knowledge of every time throughout existence that that injustice
existed. At that point of awakening you can strengthen or dilute
the injustices by your thoughts. Your woes, your wants, and your non-
solutions can command the elements into disaster. Or you can embrace
your inherent power by using your breath, your intent, and your
manifestation ability to assist in the solution of the problem.

You inherently hold all questions, all answers simultaneously. In
this upcoming experience of humanness, when you have a thought that
involves or revolves around a person's decisions, a place, or
disease, or injustice – your biological essence is asking you to add
your thoughts of completion to it. It is crucial to add your
thoughts in a positive element to the outcome, not to hold on to the
negativity and the injustices or ask why on any level (body, mind,
and spirit) that the problem is not solved.

Each time your thinking goes forth to the place of "why something is
not acknowledged," then you to become a team player in alignment
with the problem not the solution. Your destiny is to be part of
the liquid solution of all things that you seek. Everything that is
addresses by you is addressed by you because you are part of the
solution. It does not matter if it is personal, planetary, or
private. You have a deciding energetic vote. You have the deciding
X-factor. You have the deciding quantum that will shift the
situation from problem to solution. Do you see how much power is
involved in this knowledge?

Do you understand that with each thought throughout your day, you
are influencing the outcome of humanity, of earth, of this Universe
that you exist in. You think that you do not make a difference but
you do. Every thought you have is a deciding vote. Every desire you
have to make right, to do good, is a deciding vote in favor of
illumination, ascension, and evolution.

Look at your day. Look at your thoughts. Look at your actions and
then visulize, how many matchsticks pile up as problems and how
many matchsticks pile up as solutions. Everyday work on that until
that problem pile no longer exists and there is nothing but a grand
mountain of solutions. When someone gives you a problem as a gift,
say "Thank you. know that you have a solution. know that you
have an answer.

Will your dreams live or will they die? You decide. Will the earth
live or shall she pass into star dust. You decide. Will disease be
conquered You decide. Vote from your heart. Make a difference
from heart. Decree from heart. Hold the focus on what you want to
see. You are the deciding celestial vote in everything that you
wonder about."

We are the Sananda Council of Light and we will speak more in the
future. Open your eyes to your gifts. We leave you in love and in

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Drunvalo Melchizedek shares the Secrets of Enzymes

Drunvalo Melchizedek is awesome and amazing if you don't know about him; you should. √ him out-∆

Thursday, January 15, 2009

welcome-†o 2009 ∆∆∆

So here we are..sorry ive been gone so long, just been filling my brain with truths of light and experience in flight, schooling and ruling.. you know own personal  circumference of being.. ,while of course collecting some physical practical jewelz here and there finishing school and onto the next what ive found and what i've been reading for that last upteenth months???

(†his one i come back n fourth to often just to keep knowledge fresh..its great although once you call something a conspiracy it some how makes it unbelievable...even when its truE

∆ it seems as though this year is going to be about connecting ideas in a practical transmutating into physical forms type of way..and perhaps im just speaking about myself here when i say..on all levels of life .. breathing deeper, getting exercise doing yoga, living Art, Beauty, love wherever you happen to go while still keeping your values intact whatever they may be...not that you cant set trends and shop laugh play..all included on this trip to yourself..setting your prayer field and thoughts to the highest aspiration and vibrations before you as we enter a new field.